Topic: MDbootstrap for Django
Salvador Criado
asked 4 years ago
Expected behavior
Actual behavior
I'm starting a new project with MDBootstrap and Django. I've successfully integrate mdb on django template following your guide, but I have the following questions:
- Is there any tool or application to integrate django admin with mdbootstrap? I've checked that there's some versions for material and it would be so nice something like this for mdbootstrap.
- Is there any template or tool for form rendering? Normally I use crispy-forms or material-forms.
Those tools would be really helpfully for django developers.
Thank you and regards, Salva.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Chris Ochieng
answered 1 year ago
Hello there!
Is there any update on this or something in the works? I use Django heavily on my projects with bootstrap using the django-crispy-forms of which I contribute to from time to time.
Just want to know if something is on the works, I wouldn't mind helping out in the development if it is to save our apps from looking too ugly lol. Maybe OP it's a template pack we can work on?
Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 1 year ago
MDB package can be used with Django. Here is the integration tutorial:
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