Topic: Integration with Laravel 8 Jetstream - Inertia using modules
asked 4 years ago
Expected behavior Navbar or any other modules/components to work within Laravel + InertiaJs (Vue)
Actual behavior I am using a fresh Laravel 8 Jetstream on Inertia mode (VueJs templates) and I want to integrate MDB by importing only necessary modules. In order to do this, I am just importing a single module that should work out of the box.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
<!-- Animated navbar-->
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg fixed-top navbar-scroll">
import { Navbar } from 'mdb/';
The compilation is successfull.
Basically, this module looks for an element with class '.navbar-scroll' which exists in my AppLayout.vue template as can be seen, but looks like the element is not found by Navbar module to execute the animation on scroll.
Just for test, I tried to dump inside the 'navbar.js' file that is responsible for doing this, to check if the element/class exists right before trying to execute it's code, but it returns undefined:
mdb/pro/navbar.js line 70
let nav = document.querySelector('.navbar-scroll');
console.log(nav); // returns undefined
SelectorEngine.find(`.${CLASSNAME_WRAPPER}`).forEach((element) => {
console.log(element); // since there is no found element, this code is not executed
new Navbar(element).init();
That means the template DOM is rendered after the module (Navbar) execution so of course the module won't find my '.navbar-scroll' element/class. Or in other words, the Navbar module gets executed too early ?
So how can I deal with this ? Most probably this issue may be available for other scenarios as well, since I'm trying to use some elements from the DOM, but it's not rendered yet.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 4 years ago
The best solution for dynamically loaded components is to re-initialize them manually when the DOM is loaded. For example, you can try to init the navbar class in the mounted
mounted() {
new Navbar(element).init();
spidey priority commented 4 years ago
You're right. it works in this way. So should I do this for all components/modules? Do they all have an 'init()' method to call on mounted ?
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 4 years ago
For this moment, manual initialization it's the only way to work with Vue and MDB UI KIT (plain JS). We're going to prepare a brand new package written in Vue.js soon. Best regards
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