Topic: input float-label not centered after changing input.form-control height

Luisilva premium asked 4 years ago

Actual behavior

After changing the height of the input.form-control the label is too high/not centered, as the placeholder is

Wanted behavior

After changing the height of the input.form-control the label should continue to be centered

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

Solution Tried

Padding-top on the label. But then the small floating label text (on focus) also has the padding and is not in the right position

Thank you for any help .

Michał Duszak staff answered 4 years ago

Hello! Your solution is only missing a padding-top to be set after the input is being focused.Consider adding this CSS to your snippet.

.form-outline .form-control:focus~.form-label{

See how it's done in the following snippet:

Keep coding,

Michal Duszak.

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  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: 3.2.0
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  • Provided sample code: No
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