Topic: I was just billed for something i didn't order; I don't know what verision it is, device, operating sytem or whatever

monkee priority asked 8 months ago

Expected behavior To not be billed for something i didn't order

Actual behavior you billed me for something i didn't order; i want an email address or means to directly communicate with someone about this; reporting this to my bank and visa for fraudulent activity if i hear no response within 24 hours

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

http://www.i don't have any examples or code -

Rafał Radziszewski free commented 8 months ago

Hi, this was caused because our products are annual subscriptions. You have been charged because you have made an order on our website a year ago. As I have checked you are eligible for a full refund. Please let me know if that is something you would be interested in. Best regards, Rafał

monkee priority commented 8 months ago

How do I do that? I would have communicated directly but this is the only means i can find to communicate with you guys - you don't seem to have an actual customer service for no-code issues on your site. I want a refund yes.

MDBootstrap staff commented 8 months ago

Hi, we do have a customer service email which is But don't worry about it, I have already contacted you via email :)

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 7.3.1
  • Device: I don't know
  • Browser: I don't know
  • OS: I don't know
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes