Topic: Is it possible apply mdbootsrap scrollbar to as main scrollbar?
asked 7 years ago
I want to apply \'scrollbar scrollbar-primary\' to browsers scrollbar, but it does not seem to be working. Is this possible?
I have tried ...
<html class="scrollbar scrollbar-primary"> <body class="force-overflow"> </body> </html>
pre Developer
answered 5 years ago
index.html:886 Uncaught ReferenceError: Ps is not defined at index.html:886 (anonymous)
There is a error. What is this ? I don t understand, i can t add this scroll to my web site.
Grzegorz Bujański free commented 5 years ago
Hi. Perfect scrollbar is a pro component and doesn't work in free version.
Bartłomiej Malanowski
answered 7 years ago
It is not recommended to use perfect scrollbar as the main scrollbar. However, if you really need to do this just add class to your `<body>` tag and then initialize the scrollbar. Example:
<body class="scrollbar">
<!-- Your code -->
<!-- jQuery, popper, bootstrap, MDB -->
var el = document.querySelector('.scrollbar');
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