Topic: In Searchable Multiselct 'search box not visible without scroll
Gautam Chaudhary
asked 7 years ago
If list of items in the multi-select is large enough to create a scroll bar in, <ul id="select-options-#####>, the search SPAN become invisible, because the <li> item's first li value shifts to the top.
It works fine for small list, but not with large number of select options. How can i ensure that the search span is always visible. Currently i have scroll up to see the search option.
Screenshot at:
Mikołaj Smoleński
answered 7 years ago
Please add scrollTop to mdb.js file after line number 14892. It should look like this:
}).animate({ opacity: 1, scrollTop: 0 }, {
Gautam Chaudhary priority commented 7 years ago
Thanks a lot... working perfectly now. added in line: .animate( {opacity: 1, scrollTop: 0}, {queue: false, duration: options.inDuration, easing: 'easeOutSine'});usmanadnan001 pro commented 7 years ago
yep, that fixes the initial scroll to top, but what about scrolling to top when a selection is made?Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 7 years ago
To remove scrollTo option please comment line nr 19252: option.addClass('selected'); // options.scrollTo(option); } }; Regards
answered 7 years ago
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 7 years ago
Did You try to change the code?nebuso pro commented 7 years ago
yes, scrollTop: 0 works. I subscribes to find in the future more quickly :-)FREE CONSULTATION
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usmanadnan001 pro commented 7 years ago
I have the same issue, also when you select an option from the long list the selected options auto scrolls to the top, which is annoying...