Topic: Chart tooltip wont work in row
Henrik Engdahl
asked 7 years ago
Mirosław Stasiak
answered 7 years ago
<div class=" container-fluid"> <div class="row" id="chartrow"> <div class="col-5 mx-auto"> <canvas id="pieChart" height="250"></canvas> </div> </div> </div> var ctxP = document.getElementById("pieChart").getContext('2d'); var myPieChart = new Chart(ctxP, { type: 'pie', data: { labels: ["Värde 1", "Värde 2", "Värde 3", "Värde 4", "Värde 5", "Värde 6", "Värde 7"], datasets: [{ data: [ 1, 5,10, 20,50,70,90], backgroundColor: ["#2196F3", "#00BCD4", "#FFC107", "#FF9800", "#f44336", "#607D8B", "#673AB7"], hoverBackgroundColor: ["#5AD3D1", "#FFC870", "#A8B3C5", "#616774", "#2196F3", "#FFEB3B", "#4CAF50"] }] }, options: { responsive: true } });
Henrik Engdahl free commented 7 years ago
I tried you solution but it did not work.. When i delete the row-class, it works again. Im a bit stuck..Mirosław Stasiak free commented 7 years ago
Send me your code here or on mail m.stasiak@mdbootstrap.comHenrik Engdahl free commented 7 years ago
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