Topic: Select Element display none???

Daniel pro asked 9 years ago

Guys this is a bit weird Why is in mob.min.css the Select HTML set to display: none??? That makes no sense at all, right? Of course I can overwrite it, but why do you hide select elements ?

Robin Deprins pro answered 5 years ago

This is ridiculous.Adding a css file should not break basic browser components.

I'm having to write compatibility fixes for external libraries because MDB acts like it owns the page. Surely you could have just added the display property to the mdb-select class instead.

You guys do the same thing with the javascript, it runs when and how it wants to and there is no configuration. Unprofessional code like this is making me wish I went with a different library.

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff commented 5 years ago

This is not a thing anymore. We hide only select.mdb-select elements. Is there anything more you have found? What exactly you don't like about JavaScript? We need more concrete feedback to make the library better.

Robin Deprins pro commented 5 years ago

Ah great, it was fixed in release 4.8.11. I'll make sure to update. I was quite frustrated when I made that comment, sorry if I was a bit harsh. I can't actually remember the exact issue with javascript I ran into but it was similar to this one I posted before. The general problem is that for some css classes MDB automatically runs javascript when the script it loaded in. If something is changed to the DOM after that MDB doesn't initialize that component and there is no function to manually trigger it. Ideally MDB should not apply any styling or scripts unless explicitly told to do so. It often feels like I have no control over what MDB is doing and that frustrated me.

Sebastian Kaczmarek staff commented 5 years ago

Sure, I will add your suggestions to our Customer requests list and they will be considered. Some of them probably will require a major release so I have to ask you for patience

Robin Deprins pro commented 5 years ago

Here is another example of MDB overriding default browser behavior

Daniel pro answered 9 years ago

OK got that I am sorry, I need more info about another thing, opened another ticker

Michal Szymanski staff answered 9 years ago

Because we overwrite it with our custom select. Take a look at material select If you use a Free version of MDB, you can use a Default Select.

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  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No