Topic: How do I get a fixed sidebar to fit underneath my navbar?
asked 8 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 5 years ago
check this layout:
Best, Marta
novvia free commented 5 years ago
Does this exist for the Angular version?
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 5 years ago
Yes, you can find it here:
michaelferns free commented 5 years ago
Was a React based solution ever published anywhere?
Grzegorz Bujański free commented 5 years ago
Did you check this: ?
michaelferns free commented 5 years ago
I've seen that, but it isn't the look I'm going for. It seems that a solution for a fixed sidebar under a fixed navbar was produced for every variant other than React.
Grzegorz Bujański free commented 5 years ago
I can only give you a basic information about react. If you need more information you should open new topic and specify in the post settings that the question concerns react.
lham priority commented 3 years ago
I'm trying to set up this double navigation with Angular & MDB 5. However, this composition documentation that exists in version 4 does not exist in 5.
Is it possible to do this with and ?
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 3 years ago
It is possible to combine the two components you mentioned to achieve a similar effect like in MDB 4. If you encounter any further problems please open a new thread in the Angular category and provide more information about the composition you need to create.
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 6 years ago
in the past we didn't have a good solution for the layout with sidenav under navbar but I think together with the newest Bootstrap 4.2.1 we will create such a layout in January.
Ollie Vincent
answered 7 years ago
Hi all,
I know a few people have been looking for a solution to this - and I think I may be half the way there. It is all about making the sidebar sticky. I will paste the code below for anyone who wants it. I am using MDB 4.5 - please make sure you have the PRO version, and all the js and css files link up correctly (correct file paths).
PLEASE NOTE: I have styled everthing in the <head><style> </style></head> so you will want to put everything into a separate css file. I did this because it was easier to work on 1 file for a demo.
I know sometimes the code editor doesn't always work correctly on this forum (it knocks off spaces) so I have uploaded a demo here: which you are welcome to use. Maybe you can rip from the source.
Hope this helps :)
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answered 7 years ago
jivancic pro commented 7 years ago
Completely agree .hbs pro commented 7 years ago
Yeah, would be nice to have itChen free commented 7 years ago
Also would love to have thatvelodude free commented 6 years ago
This ask started a couple years ago -- how about it MDB, any progress? I'm sure there are thousands of us who would love this...
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 8 years ago
ljacobsen free commented 7 years ago
I also would prefer this type of layout. It's much better to keep the brand icon permanently visible on the navbar.
Jonathan Yates
answered 8 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 8 years ago
.side-nav {
margin-top: 60px;
.navbar {
z-index: 1000;
answered 8 years ago
Marta Wierzbicka
answered 8 years ago
from E.G. <body class="fixed-sn blue-skin">
and then in CSS file you can paste this code:
.side-nav {
margin-top: 51px;
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
.side-nav {
margin-top: 41px;
.double-nav {
z-index: 1000;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
.double-nav .breadcrumb-dn {
display: none;
This solution should help in some way.
answered 8 years ago
answered 8 years ago
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