Topic: Where is the source for angular pro demo views? (i.e.: extended tables)

MATTHEW DAVIS pro asked 7 years ago

After purchasing the $79 angular version, where can  we find the source code to the angular demo?

In particular I'm looking at the extended table (with pagination) as there isn't anything in the documentation related to this.

The demo is


P.S.: I seriously hope that the $79 angular version includes these other components like a table with pagination data loading & pagination (I'd expect this long before fancy ui effects)

Alex GuaMi pro commented 7 years ago

The admin dashboard is another product.

MATTHEW DAVIS pro commented 7 years ago

I see. Is there an actual data table component for angular 2+ that 'works'? None of the demos have interactions working.. just displaying component layout & theming. I wasn't expecting to have to roll out $49 more for such a common UX requirement. Don't get me wrong, I truly understand the value in actual, working, angular 2+ components, I just want clarification so I can set my expectations. Is there an actual list of components that you get? (other than what is on the product pages "600+ components" etc).

Alex GuaMi pro commented 7 years ago

I know what you mean.. But this is only some frontend "templates". I know it's frustating, been waiting myself for couple days to get my user/password for the NPM and still waiting.

Dawid Adach pro answered 7 years ago

Dear Mathew,
Currently, we have 2 Angular projects available:
1. MDB PRO (Angular)
Our core product, UI KIT with hundreds of different components available. You can check most of them:
UI KIT contains various elements which allow you to create a different type of websites like blogs, magazines, portfolio etc. Unfortunately, we do not have single page showing all available components as it would kill performance, therefore most of them are available in documentation (but not all, usually there are few examples and more variations described as possible options)
2. Admin Theme (Angular)
Is a dedicated Admin Dashboard built upon MDB PRO, however, it contains many more predefined layout, pages and components which extends MDB PRO (components available only in template pack) and at the same doesn't contain multiple components from MDB PRO (like e-commerce carts, lightbox etc) which are useless for admin dashboard. All components visible in a live demo of Admin Dashboard comes along with the package.
Within MDB PRO you can use predefined tables templates available here:
If you would like to use given table template you can either purchase Admin Pack, or create it using our elements available in MDB PRO.

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  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No