Topic: Precompiled version ?
Sand Angel
asked 7 years ago
Sand Angel
answered 7 years ago
Hello customer support, I have waited two days for your answer. When I install ng-mdb-pro from gitlab account, or add another package to my repo, I noticed that there is a node_modules folder installed under ng-mdb-pro folder in the node_modules folder of my repo.
- node_modules
- @angular
- ng-mdb-pro
- node_modules
- @angular
- node_modules
So when I compile, there are two version of angular in my node_modules. I have to delete the nested node_modules folder and add this config to my tsconfig.json.
"include": [
I request a working precompiled version as any normal UI library would be, not a ts source which will break my build config. Can you tell me when you'll be able to offer me that version?
Sebastian Kaczmarek staff commented 7 years ago
Hello Sand Angel, I am sorry for late answer, we had a bank holiday. I have tried to reproduce your issue but I couldn't get the same result as you. Could you please provide me with more details? How do you install MDB- via NPM, Yarn or manually? Also, did you try to isolate the issue by doing the same thing on a new clean project with and without MDB installed? RegardsSand Angel free commented 7 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I install ng-mdb-pro by using yarn 1.2.1 and gitlab repo in a new angular 5 project created by angular/cli 1.5, following instructions in "Get started in 5 minutes" Pro user. I have tested with my Mac 10.13, There are some user face the same issue After install, there are two node_modules folder installed as described above. I have to manually delete the nested folder and adjust the tsconfig to compile both my source code and mdbSand Angel free commented 7 years ago
One more issue, I findout that your $image-path variable in the scss code doesn't has !default flag, and there are some place in your scss code directly use relative path: e.g url('../img/....'), not #{$image-path}/..., which lead to I can not include some scss file in my styles.scss. Can you fix this?Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
I have tried to compile your mdb module. And the problem that keep your code not compatible with strictMetadataEmit: true in angularCompilerOptions (=> not compatible with AOT mode) is the use of PageScrollConfig class with all static member. I suggest change all static to instance member, and export const = new class(). With that change, I was able to compile your mdb lib to umd and es2015 module.Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
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