Topic: Popover Not Showing directional arrow
asked 7 years ago
Dawid Adach
answered 7 years ago
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Input, Component, HostBinding, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { PopoverConfig } from './popover.config'; import { isBs3 } from '../utils/ng2-bootstrap-config'; @Component({ selector: 'mdb-popover-container', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, template: ` <h3 class="popover-header" *ngIf="title">{{title}}</h3> <div class="popover-body"> <ng-content></ng-content> </div>` }) export class PopoverContainerComponent implements OnInit { @Input() public placement: string; @Input() public title: string; @HostBinding('') show = '!isBs3'; @HostBinding('attr.role') role = 'tooltip'; @HostBinding('class') class; public get isBs3(): boolean { return isBs3(); } public constructor(config: PopoverConfig) { Object.assign(this, config); } ngOnInit() { this.class = 'popover-fadeIn popover in popover-' + this.placement + ' ' + this.placement + ' bs-popover-' + this.placement; } }
heath.frankel free commented 6 years ago
We are still having this issue in V6.2.1 (ng-uikit-pro-standard-6.2.1). When will this fix be available?heath.frankel free commented 6 years ago
BTW we are just using the tooltip style from your library and the arrow is broken.Damian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
Dear heath.frankel I tried to reproduce your case on Firefox 60 @ Ubuntu 18.04, and for me, arrows are visible. Please check link: Could you specify your environment, on which you can't see the arrows? Best Regards, Damianet3rnal free commented 6 years ago
I have the same problem as heath in the "tooltip" (not the popover)Damian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
Problem with an invisible arrow in the tooltips will be fixed with the next release of MDB Angular. Best Regards, Damianduong do free commented 6 years ago
I have the same issueDamian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
Dear duong do, This problem was fixed with 6.2.2 release of MDB Angular. Please update your project and check if arrows are visible. Best Regards, DamianFREE CONSULTATION
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