Topic: mdb-angular-pro-4.3.7. - disappointment
asked 7 years ago
Sand Angel
answered 7 years ago
I wish I see this post before purchasing. I had this error for the first npm install and ng serve
Start your code here ERROR in AppModule is not an NgModule webpack: Failed to compile.
Can I request a refund?
Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Sand, Could you please write your steps which you made so we could reproduce ? It's sounds little odd as within angular project there is no single file containing "Start your code here" phrase, however it is present in jQuery version. Are you sure that you have cloned correct repo ? I have just tested fresh installation copy from npm and it works like a charm, please provide us stepst which you have taken so we could solve your issue.Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
Hi Dawid Adach, Thanks for your answer. My reproduce steps is simple. I download the zip in download section of my account on this page, not on gitlab, Then I open it, run npm install, and ng serve. And the error occurred Actually "Start your code here" is the message added by insert code button and I forgot to clear it. I have this problem with node 8.9.0, npm 5.5.1, mdb-angular-pro 4.3.7 on linux ubuntu 16.04 machine. But on my iMac it work just fine. I'm not on the linux machine now but I will try again tomorrow.Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
here is my screenshot. As describe above, I just downloaded a zip file from my account, then yarn install and ng serve. I'm using yarn 1.2.1, node 8.9.0, npm 5.5.1. Since this product is not successfully built for the first time, which mean it's a bad product to me, I request a refund. Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Sand, as you noticed, everything works fine on other environments. We are testing our releases on Mac, Windows and Unix (Centos) and they are working fine. This is environment issue so there is not much we can do about that as problem doesn't lays within our product. It looks like known issue to Angular and Ubuntu, check following: IT seems like issue while using yarn install.Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
OK. I got it. Thanks for clarifying. I had downloaded ng-pro from gitlab and add it to my project under libs folder, import it from libs folder and my project was able to compile. But there is some warning: WARNING in Circular dependency detected: libs/ng-mdb-pro/free/modals/modal.service.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/free/modals/modalContainer.component.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/free/modals/modal.service.ts WARNING in Circular dependency detected: libs/ng-mdb-pro/free/modals/modalContainer.component.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/free/modals/modal.service.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/free/modals/modalContainer.component.ts WARNING in Circular dependency detected: libs/ng-mdb-pro/pro/accordion/components/sb-item.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/pro/accordion/components/squeezebox.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/pro/accordion/components/sb-item.ts WARNING in Circular dependency detected: libs/ng-mdb-pro/pro/accordion/components/squeezebox.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/pro/accordion/components/sb-item.ts -> libs/ng-mdb-pro/pro/accordion/components/squeezebox.ts I had checked the source code and this warning is totally by your code implementation. Any fix on this?Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Sand, does it happen also on Ubuntu 16.04, with node 8.9.0, npm 5.5.1 ?Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
Yeah. It happens on my Ubuntu 16.04. node 8.9.0, yarn 1.2.1, npm 5.5.1Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Ok Sand, I cannot reproduce it on my Mac nor Centos, I will setup virtual machine with ubuntu and same npm versions and come back to you as soon as I will get resolution.Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
As mention in my comment, I had resolved this problem by download the repo from gitlab account, add it to my project and compile it as normal component. But There are some warnings when the compilation has completed, please see my comment below for more info.Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
Dear Dawid, I can reproduce the issue on my Mac too. I noticed that the errors occurred when using yarn. Here is my screenshot Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Sand, our development team is working at the issue at the moment. We will come back as soon as we will resolve the issue.Sand Angel free commented 7 years ago
Yes. Very please to hear that. Can you provide us a precompiled version instead of source code. Your source code is not compatible with my tsconfig file so it breaks my build. I want to use some typescript features like noUnusedLocals, noUnusedParameters, but since your source code contains a lot of unused stuff, I can't compile it with my source code. I also has mentioned about it and another install issue in this question. Hopefully your team could release a fix and a version compatible with angular 5 soon. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
As discussed we will continue discussion on our BetaTest slack channel
Dawid Adach
answered 7 years ago
answered 7 years ago
- mdb select...well, it is not difficult to make workaround converting number to string, but it is a pitty, you loose the type safety. And moreover I think that this is a typical scenario for selects when select contains {value: number, label: text} and the value to match is a number too.
- mdb timepicker...ok, this workaround should work, but I do not thing this is the best angular way to setup some control value. Would be very nice to have <mdb-timepicker [(ngValue)]="someProperty" ....></mdb-timepicker> for both input and output and nothing more. And other great feature would be if the "someProperty" could be a Date object and the timepicker modifies the time part of the object...but this is kind of Nice To Have :-)
- and what about the navbar and the tabs "under" the timepicker?
Maciej Szuchta free commented 7 years ago
Radek According to navbar issue. Please provide me your whole project. I downloaded your app.component files from and it is working as expected. Navdrop items don't remain open when selected. Send files on Regardsrl pro commented 7 years ago
Hi Maciej, there is nothnig special in "my project" - I downloaded mdb-angular-pro-4.3.7, "npm i", then updated these two files in the and "ng serve -o". But maybe I did not say it clearly - yes, the dropdown menu closes corectly when selected some item from the drodown. But the menu remains open when I click another item in the navbar itself - e.g.Home, Features, Pricing. Or the search input box. RadekDawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Hi Radek, Please check following subject on our support forum. Navbar has .show() and .hide() method which can be used to close navbar. We will add autoclose option within next release. pro commented 7 years ago
Hi David, thanks for answer, I tried it, but did not succeed with the - check it at If I click the navbar.hide() item, which implments the "navbar.hide()" solution, the menu breaks up. But what I would like to solve is that when I open the Dropdown menu and then I select e.g. Home, the dropdown remains still open. I'd love to autoclose it. As for the source - fresh new mdb-angular-pro-4.3.7, npm i, changed app.component files (you can get them at, ng serve -o RadekDawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Radek - this will do the trick, update hide option to: hideNavbar( e: any ) { if (e.showClass){ e.hide(); } } this will check whether navbar is expaned or not and won't brake navbar when is not collapes , add to the link : <div> <pre><a class="nav-link" (click)="active = 'features'; hideNavbar(myNavbar);">Features</a></pre> </div>
Dawid Adach
answered 7 years ago
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