Topic: Can't user Component in Lasy Load Module or subModule
asked 7 years ago
Dawid Adach
answered 7 years ago
nsteve pro commented 7 years ago
Dear Dawid This is my NgModule @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule, HttpModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, FormsModule, routing2, UtilsModule, CoreBaseModule, SmartadminLayoutModule, ToastModule.forRoot(), MDBBootstrapModule.forRoot(), MDBBootstrapModulePro.forRoot(), TranslateModule.forRoot({ loader: { provide: TranslateLoader, useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory, deps: [Http] } }) ] , exports: [ // SpinnerComponentModule,// SpinnerComponent ] , declarations: [App2Component, routed2Components,// PostesComponent, //ObservableComponent,//SpinnerComponent, ],//SharedSubComponent, MenuComponent // exports: [SharedSubComponent], providers: [APP_PROVIDERS, MDBSpinningPreloader, AuthService, AuthGuard, Title, { provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: '/' }, I18nService], //MathService bootstrap: [App2Component], schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA], entryComponents: [App2Component] }) But I want to call it inside a component register in another child module(with Lazy loading)Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
If you want to use Lazy loading you have to import MDB into all child modules where you want to use it, by default in Angular imports are not inherited.FREE CONSULTATION
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