Topic: [Bug] ToastService toastClass not working
asked 7 years ago
i've copied your example code for a test message and dont get the same example:
let options= { progressBar:true, timeOut:3000, toastClass:'black'};
this.toast.warning('Warnig message', 'Toastr warning!', options);
i've changed the toastClass value to diffrent colors, which took no effect.
moreover i would like to pass own css as argument. Is this possible?
as you can see the opacity before hover is too low. I would like to set it to opacity: 0.95.
trying toastClass:'opacity: 0.95' directly in options and
toastClass:'opacity' -> in component.scss -> .opacity{opacity: 0.95}
didn't worked for me.
Damian Gemza
answered 7 years ago
#toast-container > mdb-toast-component
showSuccess() { let options= { closeButton:true, tapToDismiss:false, titleClass:'red' }; this.toastrService.success('Hello world!', 'Toastr success!', options); }
Weiser pro commented 7 years ago
Hi Damian, thank you for answering. Could you please explain what arguments toastClass can take? setting toastClass:'black' or to other colors wont change the view. it would be great if you could pass own css to toastClass like: let options= { progressBar:true, timeOut:3000, toastClass:’opacity: 0.95; ...’}; this.toast.warning(‘Warnig message’, ‘Toastr warning!’, options); i would like to avoid taking changes to node modules, because you have to change them again after npm install. is there really no other way to do this?Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
Hello Weiser, toastClass takes string as value. For example, if you want to your toast got black background and opacity 1.0, you have to create some class like .black { background-color: black !important; opacity: 1.0 !important}, and put it to global styles.scss sheet. Without !important it won't work, because our color classes like toast-warning or toast-success got higher priority than toastClass. If something isn't clear to you, feel free to post another comment. Best Regards, DamianWeiser pro commented 7 years ago
Hi Damian, adding css class to global styles.scss has done the trick! I've tried it before by adding it to local component scss. Could you add this to your documentation? that might be a important missing information. thank you!Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
I'm glad that my solution works for you. Yes, i'll put this in our docs :)FREE CONSULTATION
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