Topic: Authent error before download ng-pro projet from git repo (5min quickstart)
asked 7 years ago
Hello, when i try to download pro ng admin i got the following error :
npm install git+ --save
npm ERR! remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied
npm ERR! fatal: Authentication failed for '
I just created the new token.
Hope someone could help me. Thank you in advance
answered 7 years ago
Hello thanks for your answer.
Today i tried to generate new token but i always have the authent error (access denied)
When you re-granted my acces, is it just for one day?
Thanks again.
Dawid Adach pro commented 7 years ago
Dear dev.cliqeo, I have sent you an email, please check your inbox. Dawid
Dawid Adach
answered 7 years ago
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