Topic: Accordion/collapse
Damian Gemza
answered 7 years ago
<mdb-squeezebox [multiple]="false" aria-multiselectable="true"> <mdb-item *ngFor="let item of itemsList"> <mdb-item-head> {{ item.title }} </mdb-item-head> <mdb-item-body> {{ item.description }} </mdb-item-body> </mdb-item> </mdb-squeezebox>
2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
yes I am using the same code, and i upgrade it to angular 5, still the behaviour is same. please get back with the solution. I am blocked because of this i can not move further.Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
Please, send me your's project without node_modules at I'll investigate this.2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
ok, let me figure it out first, if it is still not working, i will share the code.
Damian Gemza
answered 7 years ago
2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
every single element or pro components are working fine, i am pretty sure about my code and component file. i checked the classes reflecting or not but classes on actual site are different that is the only cause, accordion is not working.Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
2KLIC, could you provide me code of your's accordion and component.ts file ? It should works fine, because i've copied sample code from documentation and it works perfectly.2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
.accordion { background: #fff; width: 100%; display: block; list-style-type: none; overflow: hidden; height: 40px; padding: 0; } this class getting applied, if i comment height in inspect then it is working bit okDamian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
Please provide me your's environment configuration (os, browser, angular version, mdb version etc...).2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
it is ubuntu, angular 4.3.6, browser i checked are firefox and chrome, mdb-version": "5.1.1"Damian Gemza staff commented 7 years ago
MDB is compatible only with Angular 5.x. Please update your's angular and check again if it works. Regards, Damian2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
for mdb site <pre><div class="accordion"> <div class="card"></div> <div class="card"></div> </div></pre> code is like but for me it is like <pre><mdb-squeezebox> <div class="accordion"> <mdb-item><div class="card"></div></mdb-item> <mdb-item><div class="card"></div></mdb-item> </div> </mdb-squeezebox></pre>2KLIC pro commented 7 years ago
but earlier it was working fine, i don't think it is angular version issue. 1 month back when i started using mdb with angular 4 it was working. i did not update my code since then.FREE CONSULTATION
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