
Vue Bootstrap 5 Treetable plugin

The Treetable component can render your data with a simple HTML. You simply create a HTML markup for your table nested within a div tag with a "treetable" class - you can customize your table later by adding data-mdb-attributes to the wrapper.

Note: Read the API tab to find all available options and advanced customization

Basic example

Create default Treetable with MDBTreetable component. Pass table headers row to a head slot and table body rows to a default slot. Adding data-depth attribute to a row element indicates it is another nest. Each deeper nest's depth should be incremented by one.

Name Size Type
Personal 15mb Folder
index 5mb html
index 5mb html
my-cat 0mb webp
Documents 350mb Folder
Bill 200mb pdf
Newspapers mentions 50mb PDF
Ebooks 100mb zip
Songs 30mb Folder
Ode to JS 10mb mp3
One more style 10mb mp3
Bjork-Its-Oh-So-Quiet 10mb mp3
Images 1,5gb Folder
Album-cover 500mb jpeg
Naruto-background 500mb png
Sasuke-background 500mb webp
              <MDBTreetable class="d-flex w-100">
                <template #head>
                    <th scope="col">Name</th>
                    <th scope="col">Size</th>
                    <th scope="col">Type</th>
                  <tr data-depth="1">
                  <tr data-depth="2">
                    <td>Newspapers mentions</td>
                  <tr data-depth="2">
                    <td>Ode to JS</td>
                    <td>One more style</td>
                  <tr data-depth="1">
              import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";
              export default {
                components: {
            <script setup lang="ts">
              import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";

Structure example

Use structure property to create a MDBTreetable from the JavaScript structure.

Name Size Type
Personal 15mb Folder
index 5mb html
index 5mb html
my-cat 0mb webp
Documents 350mb Folder
Bill 200mb pdf
Newspapers mentions 50mb PDF
Ebooks 100mb zip
Songs 30mb Folder
Ode to JS 10mb mp3
One more style 10mb mp3
Bjork-Its-Oh-So-Quiet 10mb mp3
Images 1,5gb Folder
Album-cover 500mb jpeg
Naruto-background 500mb png
Sasuke-background 500mb webp
                class="d-flex w-100"
                  cols: ['Name', 'Size', 'Type'],
                  rows: [
                      data: ['Personal', '15mb', 'Folder'],
                      children: [
                          data: ['index', '5mb', 'html'],
                          data: ['index', '5mb', 'html'],
                          data: ['my-cat', '0mb', 'jpg'],
                          data: ['Documents', '350mb', 'Folder'],
                          children: [
                              data: ['Bill', '200mb', 'PDF'],
                              data: ['Newspapers mentions', '50mb', 'PDF'],
                              data: ['Ebooks', '100mb', 'zip'],
                          data: ['Songs', '30mb', 'Folder'],
                          children: [
                              data: ['Ode to JS', '10mb', 'mp3'],
                              data: ['One more style', '10mb', 'mp3'],
                              data: ['Bjork-Its-Oh-So-Quiet', '10mb', 'mp3'],
                      data: ['Images', '1,5gb', 'Folder'],
                      children: [
                          data: ['Album-cover', '500mb', 'jpeg'],
                          data: ['Naruto-background', '500mb', 'png'],
                          data: ['Sasuke-background', '500mb', 'webp'],
              import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";
              export default {
                components: {
            <script setup lang="ts">
              import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";

Treetable - API


            import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";


Name Type Default Description
structure Object - Setup structure of tree elements.
tag String 'div' Sets component wrapper tag.


Name Description
collapseAll Collapses every nested row in table.
expandAll Expands every nested row in table.
          <MDBBtn color="primary" @click="treetableRef?.collapseAll()"
            >Collapse all</MDBBtn
          <MDBTreetable class="d-flex w-100" ref="treetableRef">
            <template #head>
                <th scope="col">Name</th>
                <th scope="col">Size</th>
                <th scope="col">Type</th>
              <tr data-depth="1">
              <tr data-depth="2">
                <td>Newspapers mentions</td>
              <tr data-depth="2">
                <td>Ode to JS</td>
                <td>One more style</td>
              <tr data-depth="1">
          import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";
          import { MDBBtn } from "mdb-vue-ui-kit";
          import { ref } from "vue";
          export default {
            components: {
            setup() {
              const treetableRef = ref();
              return {
        <script setup lang="ts">
          import { MDBTreetable } from "mdb-vue-treetable";
          import { MDBBtn } from "mdb-vue-ui-kit";
          import { ref } from "vue";
          const treetableRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof MDBTreetable> | null>(null);


Name Description
collapse This event fires when a user collapses a nest. Collapsed row is available with id property of the event (includes also all of the row's children when collapse parent).
collapseAll This event fires when a user collapses all of a nestes using collapseAll method.
expand This event fires when a user expandes a nest. Expanded row is available with id property of the event.
expandAll This event fires when a user expandes all of a nestes using expandAll method.
            <MDBTreetable  @collapse="doSomething" >...</MDBTreetable >