Frequently asked questions

With Single Use license, you can use MDB PRO in 1 project only.

1 project is a single domain or a single application.

You can have multiple subdomains.

Important: Sinlge Use license is meant mostly for static pages and simple projects so you won't receive any professional support.

Yes you will receive a discount.

If you had any of the previous MDB products you will receive a high discount for existing customers.

If you don't see your discount next to the pricing please make sure that you are logged in to your PRO account. If after login you still don't see it, please contact us.

With Priority Support your tickets will be solved first.

It's exaclty what it sounds like - your issues are prioritized before the other ones.

Priority Support is included in the Advanced & Bundle tiers, as well as in all of the team packages.

This FAQ is dedicated to questions regarding the licensing.

Check out our General FAQ and if you don't find your answers there please open a ticket on our support forum.

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